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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

English | Español

Congratulations Mama!

Woman breastfeeding on the floor while looking at her smartphone.

Whether you are breastfeeding, planning to breastfeed or still deciding, we’ve got the breastfeeding information and resources to help you every step of the way!

Breastfeeding is a journey. There can be ups and downs and feelings of accomplishments and frustration. Indian River WIC Breastfeeding experts are here to guide and support you along this journey.

We offer breastfeeding classes, a breast pump loan program as well as private consultations with an IBCLC in the clinic, as well as mom to mom support with a Peer Counselor all FREE for WIC clients.

Contact our professional breastfeeding team at 772-794-7409.

USDA What is WIC Breastfeeding Support video.

What’s an IBCLC?

An IBCLC is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant, a healthcare professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding. An IBCLC has completed required coursework and passed an international board certified examination.

IBCLCs have expert knowledge and experience in providing breastfeeding and lactation care in routine and high-risk situations.

Breastfeeding Peer Counselors

Whether you’re pregnant, a new mom or have multiple kids, it helps to talk to other moms who know what you’re going through. That’s where Breastfeeding Peer Counselors (PCs) can help.

PCs are moms in your community who breastfed their own babies and can help you in your breastfeeding journey.

A young child looking at a cloth picture book.

Breastfeeding Classes

Breastfeeding classes are available to WIC clients for FREE! This welcoming class covers a wide range of topics related to breastfeeding including:

  • Myths and concerns of breastfeeding
  • How breastfeeding works
  • Positioning and Latching at the breast
  • Returning to work and juggling breastfeeding

Breast Pump Loan Program

Electric breast pumps or manual breast pumps are available to qualified breastfeeding mothers. The breastfeeding support staff will determine if you qualify for an electric breast pump.

Get the right info

Family sitting on a couch while the child breastfeeds. Most of the image is blurred.