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WIC - Women Infants Children Nutrition Program

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

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April through June Moonshot Families flyer

We're Here To Help

WIC is a program for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding an infant, women who have just had a baby, and caregivers to infants and children up to 5 years of age. The WIC program provides free healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding support, and referrals for health care and community services of eligible families.

Image of a father and mother at the beach holding the hands of their young child while walking in the sand

Who can receive WIC benefits?

  • Women who are pregnant, recently postpartum or breastfeeding
  • Infants
  • Children up to age 5

We welcome migrant families, military families, fathers, foster parents, and legal guardians with eligible children. Our WIC income guidelines below will help determine if you are eligible for WIC.

How can I qualify?

  • Legal residence/citizenship is NOT required (WIC does not report legal status to the federal government).
  • Must live in Florida (citizenship not required).
  • Must be income eligible. See below for the WIC income guidelines.
Household Size*WIC Income Eligibility Based on Income Intervals
If you have more than 8 people in your household, please call 772-794-7430 for details.

*Note: The gross (before taxes) wages on your check stubs based on how often you are paid (income interval) and household size will need to be less than or equal to the amounts in the chart to be income eligible for WIC.

Revised 6/21/2024

Our income guidelines should only be used as a reference. Contact the WIC office at 772-794-7430 and speaks with our skilled staff with any questions you may have about your current situation.

If you have more than 8 people in your household, please call 772-794-7430 for more details.

If you receive food assistance (SNAP), Medicaid or Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) you are automatically income eligible.

Many working families are a part of WIC.

Things to consider for income and household size:

  • For a pregnant woman, each unborn baby counts as 1 extra person in the household size.
  • Maternity / Paternity leave
  • Loss of employment (temporary or long term)
  • Gaps in income (i.e. teacher summer break)
  • Caring for a family member in your household
  • Private health insurance does not affect eligibility
  • Enrollment in other government assistance programs not required.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Image of a mother resting on the couch holding her infant child against her chest